77 Politechnicheskaya street, Saratov, Russia, 410054


Baskov Vladimir Nikolaevich

Baskov Vladimir Nikolaevich

Doctor of Technical Sciences , Professor
Professor of the Department of Organization of Transportation, Traffic Safety and Automobile Service
Contact information

Scientific interests

  • Development modern methods management constructive safety of motor vehicles and transportation Process with the use of ITS

Main Publications

  1. Algorithm for Optimizing Urban Routes in Conditions of Traffic Congestion Technological Transformation: A New Role For Human, Machines And Management. TT 2020 Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 157 Pages 23-38. Springer, Cham. А.С. Baskov V.N., Ignatov A.V., Ablyazov T.H., Aleksandrov A.S. Baskov V.N., Ignatov A.V., Ablyazov T.H., Aleksandrov A.S.
  2. Ocenka ulichno-dorozhnoj seti po pomekhonasyshchennosti (nauchnaya stat'ya). Mir transporta i tekhnologicheskih mashin. – 2019 –№4(67). – S. 66-72. Baskov V.N., Ignatov A.V., Isaeva E.I.
  3. Assessment of the influence of operating factors on the properties of engine oil and the environmental safety of the internal combustion engine Transportation Research Procedia, volume 50, 2020 Pages 37-43. Ignatov A.V.
  4. The rationale for limiting the diagnostic parameters of motor oil engine (SKOPUS). В сборнике: AIP Conference Proceedings. Сер. "Oil and Gas Engineering, OGE 2021" 2021 С.60004 Baskov V.N., Denisov A.S., Grebennikov S.A., Grebennikov A.S., Nosov A.O. 5 Диагностирование.
  5. Informacionno-cifrovoj podhod k ocenke urovnya bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizheniya. Mir transporta i tekhnologicheskih mashin. – 2022 – №2(69). – S. 72-79. Isaeva E.I.